Tech Inspire has extensive experience of helping organization define a security strategy that is fit for the modern age where no organization is safe from the increasing threat of ever more sophisticated adversaries. We have experience of working with companies and government agencies and will be able to help you significantly modernize your security strategy. We have access to sophisticated capabilities that allow us to make an objective assessment of new security tools and how they are able to deal with evolving threats. We are vendor agnostic and advice or clients based upon their needs.
As the traditional IT perimeter disappears and organizations and increasingly rely on remote working and exploiting mobile technologies, the treat vector from adversaries has become more and complex to man-age. IT Architecture can no longer be the sole consideration of the CIO, it must evolve to ensure that security is fundamentally built into the fabric of the IT architecture and not treated as an after thought.
In the current global economy, a business must often be aware of, and comply with, a variety of regulations established in multiple jurisdictions around the world. The price for failing to tread a safe path in this regulatory minefield can be high from a business perspective, and could involve financial losses and the imposition of stiff penalties for non-compliance. Our security experts at Tech Inspire provide guidance, expertise and recommendations to help you safely navigate through the regulatory minefield with comprehensive Compliance and Certification Services.
Cloud based technologies and the impact of mobile devices mean that an organisation's identity and access management (IAM) strategy and solutions should be flexible enough to enable employees, trusted partners and consumers to operate without undue hindrance with trusted devices. Our consultants help government agencies and global organisations manage and improve end user experience.
Hackers have access to increasingly more sophisticated tools with which to attack you. What was once the preserve of advanced nation state back attackers has morphed and become readily available to commercially motivated adversaries. Traditional approaches, using methods and tools, which have served well in the past are simply rendered ineffective against this type of persistent threat. We use innovative and leading edge techniques and tools to help you uncover breaches you may not even be aware of. We will then help you remediate your systems.
Due to the increasing number of cyber attacks, organizations are finding themselves at risk. Attacks are becoming more targeted and damaging. Organizations understand that they have to take a proactive approach against unauthorized attacks and intrusions and become ready to respond to any type of incident in order to minimize the impact on their business.
Our tram can help you secure your systems and resolve incidents of all kinds. We can help you limit your exposure to threats and effectively respond to any type of intrusions.